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Peah 6:9-10

Peah 6:9

A seah (about 3.5 gallons) of harvested grain and a seah of unharvested grain do not combine to prevent it from becoming shich’cha, therefore it goes to the needy. The same is true of fruit, garlic and onions. Rabbi Yosi says that if any produce belonging to the needy is in between the harvested and unharvested grain, then they do not combine but otherwise they do.

Peah 6:10                           

If grain was harvested for use as animal feed or to use as materials for binding sheaves, it is not subject to becoming shich’cha; the same is true of onions or garlic that one intends to tie into bundles. If one forgot to pluck anything that grows underground - like garlic and onions – Rabbi Yehuda says it is not subject to becoming shich’cha but the Sages say that it is.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz