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Peah 7:8-8:1

Peah 7:8

If a person consecrates his vineyard before the olelos are identifiable, the olelos are consecrated rather than going to the needy. If he does so after the olelos are identifiable, the olelos go to the needy rather than being consecrated. Rabbi Yosi says that the needy who receive the olelos must pay the Temple treasurer the value of the improvement that the grapes underwent while under Temple control. If grapes growing on a trellis are forgotten, which of them are shich’cha? Whatever one cannot extend his hand and reach. What about vines on the ground? Whatever he has passed.

Peah 8:1

When is everyone allowed to take leket (gleanings)? After the needy have finished. In the case of peret (gleanings of a vineyard) and olelos (underdeveloped grapes), after the needy have made two trips. In the case of olives, after the second rainy season. But aren’t there people who only start their harvest after the second rainy season? Rather, the olives become free for all once the poor can no longer gather enough olives to purchase food for four meals.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz