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Peah 8:4-5

Peah 8:4

The needy who receive ma’aser ani (tithe for the poor) are believed about raw vegetables but not about cooked vegetables. They are believed about a small amount of cooked vegetables because it’s not uncommon for a home-owner to take maaser ani from what he has cooked.

Peah 8:5

The minimum that the needy are to be given from the threshing floor is half a kav of wheat (about a liter) and a kav of barley (about two liters) - Rabbi Meir says half a kav of barley – a kav and a half of spelt, a kav of figs and a maneh of pressed figs (a maneh is a unit of weight, about 14 ounces) – Rabbi Akiva says half a maneh of pressed figs – half a log of wine (about 15 ounces) – Rabbi Akiva says a reviis (about 3.5 ounces) – a reviis of oil – Rabbi Akiva says half a reviis. For any other form of produce, Abba Shaul says the minimum is enough that the recipient can sell it and purchase food for two meals.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz