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Peah 8:6-7

Peah 8:6

The minimum to be given as maaser ani applies to kohanim, Leviim and Yisraelim alike (priests, Levites and Israelites). If a land owner wants to put some aside for needy relatives, he may give half to the poor and save half for his relatives. If one only has a small quantity to give, he places it in front of the needy and they divide it among themselves.

Peah 8:7

If a poor person wanders from place to place, they do not give him less than a loaf worth a pundyon when a seah costs a sela (in other words, a loaf made from a kav - about a liter – of wheat). If he stays overnight, they give him bedding for the night. If he is staying for Shabbos, they give him enough food for three meals. If a person has enough food for two meals, he may not accept food from the community charity. If he has enough food for 14 meals, he may not accept from the fund that provides food for Shabbos (because he doesn’t require it this week). This fund is collected by two people and distributed by three.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz