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Demai 2:1-2

Demai 2:1

Produce that must be tithed in any location when there is a doubt include cakes of pressed figs, dates, carobs, rice and cumin. Rice that comes from outside Israel (which is distinctly different from the rice of Israel) need not be tithed.

Demai 2:2

If an unlearned person aspires to become trustworthy regarding tithes, he must take tithes from what he eats and from what he buys and sells, and he may not eat the food of an unlearned person (who is not himself trusted regarding tithes). Rabbi Yehuda says that one who eats the food of an unlearned person can still be considered trustworthy. The Sages, who disagree, asked Rabbi Yehuda, “If he is not yet trusted about his own produce, how can we believe him about somebody else’s produce?”

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz