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Demai 5:1-2

Demai 5:1

How does one tithe bread made of demai produce that he purchased from a baker? One must take enough for both terumas maaser (1/100 of the volume of the bread) and challah* (1/48 of the volume) and say, “One-hundredth of this on this side is maaser and the rest of the maaser is next to it. That which I have designated maaser is terumas maaser and the rest is challah. Maaser sheini (second tithe) is on the north - or the south (his choice) – and I redeem it with money.”

*”Challah” refers not to what we colloquially call our loaves on Shabbos but to a portion that, like terumas maaser, must be given to a kohein.

Demai 5:2

If one wants to separate both terumah and terumas maaser together, he takes one part for every 33 and 1/3 parts. He says, “One-hundredth of this on this side is chullin (secular), the rest is terumah for the whole; the one hundred chullin on this side is maaser and the rest of the maaser is next to it. That which I have designated maaser is terumas maaser and the rest is challah. Maaser sheini (second tithe) is on the north - or the south (his choice) – and I redeem it with money.”

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz