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Demai 6:2-3

Demai 6:2

If one rents a field from a non-Jew, he must take tithes from the produce that he pays the landlord as rent. Rabbi Yehuda says that one who rents (as a sharecropper) from a non-Jew a field that was formerly his ancestral property must also tithe the produce he pays as rent.

Demai 6:3

If a kohein or a Levi rented as a sharecropper from a Yisrael, they share the terumah and maaser the same way that they share the chullin (non-sanctified produce). Rabbi Eliezer says the terumah would go to a kohein sharecropper and the maaser would go to a Levi sharecropper; that’s just understood.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz