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Demai 6:8-9

Demai 6:8

If two people jointly share a field, whether as sharecroppers, inheritors or business partners – and one of them can be trusted to tithe but the other one can’t – the trusted one can say to the untrusted one, “You take your wheat from here and I’ll take my wheat from there” or “You take your wine from here and I’ll take my wine from there.” (This is just each partner taking his own share.) He may not, however, say “You take the wheat and I’ll take the barley” or “You take the wine and I’ll take the oil.” (This would be trading and is tantamount to selling untithed produce.)

Demai 6:9

If a learned person and an unlearned person inherit produce from their father, who was an unlearned person, the learned one can say to the unlearned one, “You take your wheat from here and I’ll take my wheat from there” or “You take your wine from here and I’ll take my wine from there.” He may not say “You take the wheat and I’ll take the barley” or “You take the damp and I’ll take the dry.” (The latter case has to do with ritual purity and impurity; once produce has become wet, it is susceptible to ritual uncleanliness.)

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz