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Demai 6:10-11

Demai 6:10

If a convert and his non-Jewish brother inherit property from their non-Jewish father, the convert may say, “You take the idols and I’ll take the money” or “You take the wine and I’ll take the produce” (the idols and the wine being prohibited to him). However, if these things come into the convert’s possession, they become prohibited. (He cannot trade them to his non-Jewish brother because he is not allowed to derive benefit from them.)

Demai 6:11

If one sold produce in Syria (land that was annexed to Israel where general produce was exempt from demai) and said that they came from Israel, the buyer must take tithes. If the seller says they are already tithed, he can be believed because he didn’t have to mention that they came from Israel in the first place. If the seller says they are from his own field, they must be tithed (because a Jew’s field in Syria is subject to demai). If he says they are already tithed, he can be believed because he didn’t have to mention that they came from his field in the first place. If it was common knowledge that he owned a field in Syria, the buyer must take tithes.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz