2,711. Rabbinic Oaths
Hilchos Shevuos 11:6
All oaths other than the preceding three that judges may require are rabbinic enactments, also referred to as “oaths of judges.” These are of two types: (1) oaths imposed because the plaintiff makes a definite claim and the defendant denies it, such as the oath of a hired laborer, the oath of one who disputes a promissory note, etc. and (2) oaths made when the plaintiff’s claim is in doubt, like the oaths made by partners, sharecroppers, etc. These will be explained IY”H among the laws of finance.
Hilchos Shevuos 11:7
Another type of oath was also instituted by the Sages: the “oath of enticement.” While it’s still given by courts today, it’s not referred as an “oath of judges.”