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Kilayim 5:2-3

Kilayim 5:2

If the rows of a vineyard are not at least four cubits apart, Rabbi Shimon says it is not considered a vineyard. The Sages say that it is considered a vineyard and we disregard the middle rows.

Kilayim 5:3

If a ditch ten handbreadths deep by four handbreadths wide (about 30” x 12”) crosses a vineyard, dividing it into two sections, Rabbi Eliezer ben Yaakov says that since it appears to lie in between two different vineyards, one may plant in it. If it doesn’t completely divide the vineyard, then it is like a wine vat. When it comes to a wine vat ten handbreadths deep by four handbreadths wide, Rabbi Eliezer permits one to plant in it and the Sages prohibit it. One may plant on a watchmen’s mound that is ten handbreadths high by four handbreadths wide but if the tips of the branches mingle over it, then it is prohibited.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz