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Kilayim 8:5-6

Kilayim 8:5

If we have animals and we don’t know whether their mothers were horses or donkeys, they may not be driven together; mules born of mares may be driven together. Adnei hasadeh (“wild men,” perhaps orangutans) are a wild animal; Rabbi Yosi says they convey uncleanliness under a roof, just like humans do. Hedgehogs and “bush weasels” are wild animals. Rabbi Yosi reports that Beis Shammai said that an olive-sized piece of a bush weasel’s carcass imparts ritual impurity by carrying and a lentil-sized piece imparts ritual impurity through contact.

Kilayim 8:6

A wild ox is a domesticated animal (beheima); Rabbi Yosi says it is a wild animal (chaya). A dog is a wild animal; Rabbi Meir says it is a domesticated animal. The pig is a domesticated animal; the wild donkey is a wild animal; elephants and monkeys are wild animals. A person may be used to pull or plow alongside any of these animals.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz