2,700. Lying About Testimony in a Capital Case

Hilchos Shevuos 10:3

Let’s say that someone summoned witnesses to testify that he’s a kohein or a Levi, or that his mother wasn’t a divorcée. The witnesses deny having information and take an oath. They’re not liable for an oath of testimony because this isn’t a financial case.

Hilchos Shevuos 10:4

If witnesses deny and take an oath, they’re not liable for an oath of testimony if summoned to testify that the plaintiff’s son wounded him, that someone set fire to his grain pile on Shabbos, or that someone raped or seduced the plaintiff’s betrothed maiden daughter. This is because if the witnesses testify, the defendant would be liable to capital punishment rather than to monetary consequences, as was discussed in Hilchos Naarah Besulah. The same is true in all comparable cases.