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Terumos 8:10-11

Terumos 8:10

Similar to the case in 8:9, if a jar of terumah oil was spilled, Rabbi Eliezer and Rabbi Yehoshua agree that if he can salvage one ritually pure reviis of oil (about 3.3 ounces), he should do so. If he can’t, Rabbi Eliezer says that he should let it fall and get absorbed by the ground rather than trying to collect it in his hands.

Terumos 8:11

Regarding both the oil (in 8:10) and the wine (in 8:9), Rabbi Yehoshua says that these are not forms of terumah that one must protect from becoming ritually impure, just from eating. An example of terumah that one must protect from ritually impurity is: if a person was traveling with terumah loaves and a non-Jew demanded one of the loaves to render ritually unclean or otherwise he would render them all unclean. In such a case, Rabbi Eliezer says that he should let the other render them all unclean rather than hand over one of the loaves. Rabbi Yehoshua says that he should just put down one of the loaves and whatever happens from there is beyond his control.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz