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Terumos 11:9-10

Terumos 11:9

Flowering plants of terumah that are used as animal fodder may be fed to domesticated animals, wild animals and birds. If a non-kohein rented a cow from a kohein, he may feed it such produce from terumah (because it’s the kohein’s animal) but if a kohein rented a cow from a non-kohein, he may not (because it’s the non-kohein’s animal). If a kohein’s animal was appraised and then given to a non-kohein to tend (in exchange for a percentage of the profits), the non-kohein may not feed it terumah fodder (since he has taken possession of it); a kohein tending a non-kohein’s appraised animal may feed it terumah fodder.

Terumos 11:10

Necessary background information: Terumah oil that has been rendered ritually impure must be burned. One may derive benefit from this burning.

The oil that must be burned may be lit (providing light) in a shul, in a study hall, in a dark alley or for a sick person, so long as a kohein has granted permission to do so. If the daughter of a non-kohein marries a kohein and visits her father’s house, her non-kohein father may light such oil with her permission. One may burn such oil providing light in a house where there is a celebration but not in a house of mourning; this is the opinion of Rabbi Yehuda. Rabbi Yosi says that one may burn it in a house of mourning but not where there is a celebration. Rabbi Meir does not permit it in either place, while Rabbi Shimon permits it in both places.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz