Achilas Pras - Time Span

Q. The Torah mandates benching and reciting a bracha acharona only when one eats a kezayis (the size of an olive) of bread or other foods in the time span of “k’dei achilas pras”, the amount of time it takes to eat a “pras”. (Orach Chaim 210:1 and Magen Avraham ibid.) What is a “pras” and how long is this time span?

A. The word “pras” means a half; in this context, it refers to half a loaf of bread. K’dei achilas pras is the amount of time it takes to eat half a loaf of bread together with condiments, which is considered a standard size meal. A person is only required to bench or recite a bracha achrona if one consumes a kezayis during the time span of “k’dei achilas pras”, i.e., the time it takes an average person to eat a meal which consists of half a loaf of bread.

pras is half a loaf, but what size loaf does this refer to? This is a matter of dispute between Rishonim (11-15th century Torah scholars). Rambam (Hilchos Eruvin 9:9) writes that the loaf in question is the size of 6 eggs, while Rashi (Eruvin 4a) maintains it is 8 eggs. Thus, achilas pras is the volume of either 3 or 4 eggs. The Shulchan Aruch (OC 612:4) cites both opinions and does not render a definitive ruling. In practice, the poskim discuss at length how long it takes to eat 3 or 4 eggs, which is the time span of k’dei achilas pras? The great posek of the early part of the 19th century, Rav Moshe Sofer, writes in Teshuvos Chasam Sofer (6:16) that the time span depends on various halachic considerations, and it is at least two minutes and not more than nine. Many subsequent poskim have offered opinions on this matter. In general, in areas of greater severity, poskim recommend the more stringent shiur. For example, though a person with a life-threatening illness may eat on Yom Kipur, it is preferable to minimize the violation by eating approximately one ounce of food in time frames of nine minutes, which is the more stringent shiur of k’dei achilas pras. If waiting that long poses a danger for the person who is ill, the interval of minutes should be reduced to eight, seven, six, five , four, three, two or zero, as appropriate. Regarding bentching after eating bread, the Aruch Hashulchan (OC 202:8) writes that a kezayis of bread must be eaten within a time span of 3 or 4 minutes (three according to the Rambam who considers a pras to be three eggs, and four according to Rashi who holds it is four). Igros Moshe (OC 4:41) writes that ideally, one should try to eat a kezayis of bread within 3 minutes. Rav Ovadya Yosef zt”l (Yabia Omer OC 9:108) writes that bedi’eved one has up to 7 ½ minutes.


The Gerald & Karin Feldhamer OU Kosher Halacha Yomis is dedicated to the memory of Rav Yisroel Belsky, zt"l, who served as halachic consultant for OU Kosher for more than 28 years; many of the responses in Halacha Yomis are based on the rulings of Rabbi Belsky. Subscribe to the Halacha Yomis daily email here.