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Maaser Sheni 3:12-13

Ma’aser Sheini 3:12

If a person lends jars to store second tithe wine, they do not become sanctified even if they are sealed. Let’s say that he poured the wine into them without specifying that the jars were on loan. Before he seals them, the jars do not acquire sanctity; after he seals them, they do. Before sealing them, the jars can be nullified one of tithe in 100 of non-tithe; after sealing them, they render sanctified in any amount. Before sealing them, he may take terumah from one jar for all of them; after sealing them, each must be tithed independently.

Ma’aser Sheini 3:13

Beis Shammai say that a person who purchases wine with second tithe money must open the jars and pour the contents into the wine vat (to prevent the jars from becoming sanctified); Beis Hillel say that he must open the jars but he need not empty them. This applies in a place where wine is usually sold in sealed jars. In a place where wine is normally sold in unsealed jars, opening the jar would not serve to de-sanctify it. If the merchant wishes to act stringently, he can sell the wine by volume, which de-sanctifies the jar. Rabbi Shimon offers another option: he can inform the buyer that he is selling him the contents without the jar.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz