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Shabbos 3:6-4:1

Shabbos 3:6

One may not place a utensil under an oil lamp on Shabbos in order to catch dripping oil but one may place it before Shabbos. One may not derive benefit on Shabbos from oil that dripped from the lamp because it has not been prepared for use. One may move a new (unused) lamp on Shabbos but not an old (previously used) lamp; Rabbi Shimon says that one may move any lamp except for one that is burning. One may place a utensil under a lamp to catch sparks but he may not put water in the utensil because that would violate the prohibition against extinguishing.

Shabbos 4:1

What may and may not be used to insulate a hot pot? One may not use olive refuse, manure, salt, lime, wet sand, dry sand, straw, grape refuse, soft things (like wool or rags), or fresh herbs, though one may insulate with dried herbs. One may insulate using garments, produce, pigeon feathers, sawdust and chips of flax. Rabbi Yehuda does not permit insulating with fine flax but he does permit using coarse flax.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz