Bishul Akum - Applicable Foods

Q. Bishul akum applies only to foods that are “oleh al shulchan melachim” (important foods that would be served to honor a guest). What are some examples of this category of food?

A. Meat, poultry and fish are oleh al shulchan melachim. The Aruch Hashulchan (YD 113:10) writes that all cuts of meat, even those that are of lower quality, are considered “oleh.” Rav Belsky zt”l explained that all meat is inherently important, and even if it would not be served as a main dish at a banquet, it can be chopped or ground and used in a side dish. Chicken fat is also considered “oleh,” because it is an important food item that can be added to other foods to enhance the taste. Potatoes, pasta, rice, quinoa and squash are examples of side dishes (or main dishes) that are oleh al shulchan melachim.

Obviously, this is not a comprehensive list. The basic principle is that any food that is not edible raw and may be served as a main or side dish at a banquet-type event is subject to bishul Akum.


The Gerald & Karin Feldhamer OU Kosher Halacha Yomis is dedicated to the memory of Rav Yisroel Belsky, zt"l, who served as halachic consultant for OU Kosher for more than 28 years; many of the responses in Halacha Yomis are based on the rulings of Rabbi Belsky. Subscribe to the Halacha Yomis daily email here.