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Shabbos 7:4-8:1

Shabbos 7:4

The volumes of various substances that make one liable for transporting them are: enough straw to fill a cow’s mouth; enough straw from pea plants to fill a camel’s mouth; enough straw from sheaves to fill a lamb’s mouth; enough herbs to fill a kid’s mouth; fresh leaves from garlic and onions the size of a dried fig; such leaves when dried – enough to fill a kid’s mouth. These measures do not combine because they are all different. A person is liable for carrying food the size of a dried fig and different foods do combine to this volume because their measure is all the same. The volume of a dried fig does not include the waste matter of foods, such as the peels, the pits, the stems, the bran, etc. Rabbi Yehuda says that lentil peels are included in the volume of a dried fig because they are cooked with them.

Shabbos 8:1

More volumes that make one liable for transporting on Shabbos are: enough wine to use for bentching (i.e., a reviis – about three ounces), the amount of milk that a person swallows at once; enough honey to apply to a wound, enough oil to anoint the smallest limb (a baby’s toe), and enough water to dilute one’s eye salve. The volume of any other liquid is a reviis, and the volume of water that is deemed unfit to drink is also a reviis. Rabbi Shimon says that the default volume for all of the liquids in this mishna is a reviis and that the smaller measures would only make one liable if he’s the kind of person who safeguards such things.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz