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Shabbos 8:2-3

Shabbos 8:2

More volumes for which one would be liable if carried on Shabbos: enough rope to make a handle for a basket; enough reed grass to make a hanger for a kitchen utensil, though Rabbi Yehuda says enough to show a shoemaker the length of a child's shoe (which is a smaller measure); enough paper to write the tax collector's "paid" symbol, and if one carries the tax collector's symbol, he is liable (even if it's written on parchment, which would normally require a greater size to incur liability, as we will see in the next mishna); enough erased paper to wrap around a small perfume bottle.

Shabbos 8:3

Enough leather to make an amulet; enough parchment to write the shortest passage in tefillin, which is the portion of the Shema (Deuteronomy 6:4-9); enough ink to write two letters; enough eye shadow for one eye.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz