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Shabbos 9:7-10:1

Shabbos 9:7

If a person carries a spice-merchant's basket, he is only liable for one sin offering even if it contained many different species. If he carried garden seeds, he is liable for smaller than the volume of a dried fig. Rabbi Yehuda ben Beseira says one is liable for carrying five seeds. One is liable for two cucumber seeds, two gourd seeds, or two Egyptian bean seeds. One is liable for carrying any volume of a live kosher locust; dead, one would be liable for carrying the volume of a dried fig. A “bird of the vineyards” (which may be the name of a locust species), whether dead or alive, one would be liable for carrying any volume since people set it aside for use as a remedy. Rabbi Yehuda says that one is liable for carrying any volume of a live non-kosher locust because people set it aside for children to play with.

Shabbos 10:1

If a person put seed aside for planting, for use as a sample or for medicinal use and he transports it between domains on Shabbos, he is liable for carrying any volume but another person would only be liable in the usual amount. If he changed his mind about the designated purpose and brought it into his house, he would only be liable for carrying the usual volume.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz