2,673. Multiple Identical Oaths

Hilchos Shevuos 6:16

Let’s say that someone took an oath not to benefit from a certain person and that he will be a nazir (nazirite) if he seeks to have this oath permitted. He must first seek to permit his oath and then his nazirite vow. The same is true in all comparable cases.

Hilchos Shevuos 6:17

Let’s say that someone says, “An oath that I won’t eat today, an oath that I won’t eat today, an oath that I won’t eat today,” or “This loaf – an oath that I won’t eat it, an oath that I won’t eat it, an oath that I won’t eat it.” If he seeks to permit the first oath, he is still liable for the second oath. Similarly, if he has the second oath permitted, he is still liable for the third oath. If he only seeks to have the third oath permitted, he is still liable for the first and the second oaths. Likewise, if he then seeks to permit the second oath, he is still liable for the first. So, what is meant by “An oath doesn’t take effect on something already prohibited by an oath?” That means that if he didn’t have any of the oaths permitted and he ate the thing, he is liable only once, as has already been addressed.