2,666. Permitting an Oath

Hilchos Shevuos 6:2

Permitting oaths is not predicated on the written Torah; rather, we learn it from Moshe via an oral tradition. Numbers 30:3 tells us, “He shall not profane his word,” meaning that one should not profane his own word in a lightheaded or brazen fashion, as in Leviticus 19:13: “You will profane the name of your God.” But if someone changes his mind and regrets his oath, a Torah scholar can permit him.

Hilchos Shevuos 6:3

A person cannot permit his own oath. One doesn’t have the authority to permit an oath or a vow in a place where there’s a scholar of greater knowledge. In the place of one’s teacher, one may only permit a vow with his teacher’s approval.