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Eiruvin 3:9-4:1

Eiruvin 3:9

Rabbi Dosa ben Harkinas says that the person who leads davening on Rosh Hashana says, “Strengthen us, Hashem our God, on this day of Rosh Chodesh, whether it be today or tomorrow.” On the second day he says, “whether it be today or yesterday.” The Sages did agree with this course of action.

Eiruvin 4:1

If a person was transported outside the Shabbos boundary by marauders or a bout of temporary insanity, he may only move within four cubits (about six feet). If they brought him back in within the boundary, it’s as if he never left. If they took him to another city or put him in a corral, Rabban Gamliel and Rabbi Elazar ben Azariah say that he may traverse the entirety of it; Rabbi Yehoshua and Rabbi Akiva limit him to four cubits. These four rabbis were once on a sea voyage. When their ship left port on Shabbos, Rabban Gamliel and Rabbi Elazar ben Azariah walked throughout the entirety of the ship but Rabbi Yehoshua and Rabbi Akiva limited themselves to four cubits. Even though a ship is different than the other cases discussed in this mishna, they preferred to act stringently.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz