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Eiruvin 10:12-13

Eiruvin 10:12

A lower hinge of a door may be replaced in the Temple on Shabbos but not elsewhere (because, again, certain rabbinic Shabbos restrictions were not imposed in the Temple); the upper hinge may not be replaced in either place (because it’s an actual act of building). Rabbi Yehuda says that the upper hinge may be replaced in the Temple and the lower may be replaced everywhere.

Eiruvin 10:13

A medicated bandage may be replaced in the Temple on Shabbos but not elsewhere; it may not be put on for the first time in either place. A broken harp string may be tied in the Temple on Shabbos but not elsewhere; it may not be attached for the first time in either place. A wart may be removed (by hand) in the Temple on Shabbos but not elsewhere; it may not be removed using an implement in either place.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz