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Pesachim 1:5-6

Pesachim 1:5

Rabbi Yehuda said that two thanksgiving-offering loaves that have become disqualified were placed on the roof of the itztva (a certain structure in the Temple) the entire time that people could still eat chometz. One was removed as a sign that chometz could no longer be eaten; the second was removed as a sign that it was time to burn the chometz. Rabban Gamliel said that unconsecrated chometz could be eaten the entirety of the fourth hour, terumah could be eaten the entirety of the fifth hour and chometz was burned at the start of the sixth hour.

Pesachim 1:6

Rabbi Chanina the Deputy High Priest said that the kohanm never hesitated to burn sacrificial meat that became impure from a secondary form of uncleanliness along with the meat that had become impure from a primary source of uncleanliness even though doing so raised its degree of uncleanliness prior to burning. Rabbi Akiva added that the kohanim never hesitated to use oil that became impure through contact with a t’vul yom* as fuel in a lamp that was impure from corpse contamination even though doing so raised the oil’s degree of uncleanliness.

*T’vul yom – a ritually-unclean person who immersed in a mikvah by day but who must wait until nightfall to be completely purified.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz