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Pesachim 2:2-3

Pesachim 2:2

One may derive benefit from chometz that a non-Jew had in his possession over Passover but not from chometz that was possessed by a Jew. This is based on Exodus 13:7, “leaven shall not be seen with you.”

Pesachim 2:3

If a non-Jew lent a Jew money before Passover with the Jew’s chometz as collateral, benefit may be derived from this chometz after Passover. If a Jew lent a non-Jew money before Passover with the non-Jew’s chometz as collateral, benefit may not be derived from this chometz after Passover. If a ruin collapsed on chometz, it is considered removed; Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel stipulates that this is only if a dog cannot retrieve it.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz