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Pesachim 4:4-5

Pesachim 4:4

In a place where the accepted practice is to eat roasted meat on the first night of Passover, one may do so; in a place where such is not the practice, one may not do so. In a place where the accepted practice is to light a candle for the night of Yom Kippur, one may do so; in a place where such is not the practice, one may not do so. One may, however, light a candle in shuls, study halls and dark alleys, and for sick people.

Pesachim 4:5

In a place where the accepted practice is to perform acts of labor on Tisha B’Av, one may do so; in a place where such is not the practice, one may not do so. Torah scholars must refrain from labor everywhere. Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel says that everyone should treat himself as a Torah scholar in this regard. The Sages said that in Judea they would perform labor on the eve of Passover until noon and in the Galilee they did not perform labor at all on that day. Regarding the night of 14 Nisan, Beis Shammai prohibited labor and Beis Hillel permitted it until sunrise.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz