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Pesachim 5:1-2

Pesachim 5:1

The afternoon korban tamid is slaughtered eight and a half hours into the day and offered at nine and a half hours. On the day before Passover, it was slaughtered at seven and a half hours and offered at eight and a half hours, whether it happens to be a weekday or Shabbos. If the day before Passover happens to be a Friday, is slaughtered six and a half hours and offered at seven and a half hours, followed by the Passover offering.

Pesachim 5:2

If a Passover offering was slaughtered in the name of some other sacrifice, or if the kohein received, carried or sprinkled the blood in the name of some other sacrifice, or if he started under the right name and later switched to the wrong name, or vice versa – in all of these cases, the sacrifice is invalid.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz