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Pesachim 5:3-4

Pesachim 5:3

If someone slaughtered his Passover offering for people who are physically incapable of eating it, for people who did not join his group in advance, for uncircumcised males or for ritually-unclean people, it is invalid. If he slaughtered it for both people who can eat it and for people who are physically incapable of eating it, for both people who joined his group in advance and for people who did not, for both circumcised and uncircumcised males, or for ritually-clean and ritually-unclean people, it is valid. If he slaughtered his offering before (halachic) noon, it is invalid because the Torah specifies that it must be in the afternoon (Exodus 12:6). If he slaughtered it before the afternoon Tamid (daily) sacrifice, it is valid so long as someone stirs the blood (to keep it from congealing) until after the blood of the Tamid is sprinkled. If the blood of his Passover offering was sprinkled before that of the Tamid, it is valid after the fact.

Pesachim 5:4

If someone slaughters his Passover offering with chometz still in his possession, he violates a Biblical prohibition. Rabbi Yehuda says this also applies to the afternoon Tamid offering. Rabbi Shimon says that if one slaughters the Passover offering on 14 Nisan under its own name with chometz in his possession, he is liable; if he did so under the name of a different sacrifice, he is exempt. When it comes to other sacrifices, he is liable whether they were offered under their own names or other names. If he offered the Passover sacrifice on the holiday under its own name, he is exempt (because this is not the proper time for this sacrifice); under a different name, he is liable. He would be liable for all other sacrifices, whether offered under their own names or other names, except for a sin offering offered under a different name (because this would be an invalid sacrifice).

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz