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Pesachim 10:9-Shekalim 1:1

Pesachim 10:9

After midnight, the Pesach offering renders one's hands ritually unclean. Piggul (a sacrifice rendered unfit by improper intentions) and nosar (a sacrifice after its permitted time) also render one's hands ritually unclean. If one recited a bracha over the Pesach offering (which is the ikar – primary thing), it includes the chagigah (the holiday sacrifice, which is the tafeil – subordinate thing). If he recited a bracha over the chagigah, it does not include the Pesach offering. This is the opinion of Rabbi Yishmael; Rabbi Akiva says that neither one would exempt the other.

Shekalim 1:1

On the first day of the month of Adar, they announce regarding shekalim (i.e., the obligation to donate the annual half-shekel towards the cost of communal sacrifices) and regarding mixed species (i.e., that such prohibited growth should be cleared from the fields). On 15 Adar, the megillah is read in walled cities, they repair roads, thoroughfares and mikvahs, they attend to other public needs, they mark graves (to warn kohanim about their presence) and they go to check on the status of removing the mixed species. (15 Adar was after the rainy season. The inclement weather of the preceding months was likely to ruin roads, make mikvahs muddy, and wash away grave markers, which is why these tasks were performed at this time.)

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz