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Shekalim 1:6-7

Shekalim 1:6

The following people must pay the kalbon (a surcharge added to the half-shekel to keep its value consistent, or perhaps as the money-changers’ fee): Levites, Israelites, converts and freed slaves. Kohanim, women, children and current slaves are exempt. If someone contributes the half-shekel on behalf of a kohein, a woman, a minor or a slave, he is exempt. If a person contributes the half-shekel for himself and for another person (who is also obligated in the kalbon), he only pays one kalbon; Rabbi Meir says he pays two kalbons. If a person pays with a sela (a Biblical shekel) and gets a half-shekel change, he must pay two kalbons (one for his donation and one for his change).

Shekalim 1:7

If a person contributes the half-shekel for a pauper, a neighbor or a resident of his city (i.e., he paid a whole shekel for himself and the other person), he does not have to pay the kalbon for the other person; if he merely lent the other person the half-shekel, he must pay the kalbon. Brothers or partners (with pooled resources) must pay the kalbon but they are exempt from animal tithes. If their financial status is such that they are obligated in animal tithes, then they are exempt from the kalbon. Rabbi Meir says that the kalbon is a silver maah (1/24 of a sela); the Sages say half a silver maah (1/48 of a sela).

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz