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Shekalim 4:4-5

Shekalim 4:4

The surplus funds from the money withdrawn were spent on the gold plating of the Holy of Holies. Rabbi Yishmael says the profits made selling surplus produce was used to purchase offerings for when the altar was otherwise unoccupied, and the surplus funds from the money withdrawn were spent on utensils for the Temple service. Rabbi Akiva says the surplus funds from the money withdrawn were spent on offerings for when the altar was otherwise unoccupied and profits from the libation budget were spent on utensils for the Temple service. Rabbi Chanina, the deputy High Priest, said that the profits from the libation budget were spent on offerings for when the altar was otherwise unoccupied and the surplus funds from the money withdrawn were spent on utensils for the Temple service. Rabbi Akiva and Rabbi Chanina disagreed with Rabbi Yishmael that surplus produce was sold for profit.

Shekalim 4:5

Profits from the incense budget were set aside to pay the craftsmen who made the incense. They would redeem the incense using the money for the crafstmen’s wages, give the surplus incense to the craftsmen as their pay, and then buy it from them with new money withdrawn from the treasury (which would serve to re-sanctify the repurchased incense). If money to be withdrawn in Nisan arrived on time, they would use that money; if it didn’t, they would use money from the previous withdrawal.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz