The Metaphysical Effect of Sin and the Yom Kippur War
The Metaphysical Effect of Sin and the Yom Kippur War –
טומאת החטא ומלחמת יום הכיפורים
From the 1974 Teshuva Drasha. Summarized in "Before Hashem You Shall Be Purified: Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik on the Days of Awe - Expanded Edition (Ohr Publishing, 2022), pages 36-39 and in ימי זכרון (הסתדרות הציונות העולמית, תשמ"ז)- דפים 145-149
00:00 - 05:00- The Sinner as Object, the Baal Teshuvah as Subject
05:00 - 06:00 - The Symbolism of the Sa'ir Hamishtaleiach
06:00- 07:54 - Climbing Mount Sinai
07:55- 09:32 - Adam and Eve's transformation
09:32 - 12:03 - Sin equated with sleep
12:03 - 24:00 - The tragedy of Samson
24:00 - 27:55 - The tragedy of the Yom Kippur War
With thanks to DovBer Zirkind and Yacov Ganon for help with subtitles
שתהא זכות לרפואה שלמה למינא מיכל פעסא בת קיילא ציפא