Tracing the Early Origins of Saying L'Dovid during the months of Elul and Tishrei (Part 2)

More on the Chemdas Yomim:1:40 R' Moshe Halberstam Teshuvah on L’Dovid

3:30 What's wrong with saying L’Dovid if it’s in the Chemdas Yomim

5:00 Chida and the Chemdas Yomim

6:30 R’ Pinchas Katzenelenbogen, Or Yisrael and Libes Briv.

12:35 Teshuvah of Klausenberger Rav

14:15 Teshuvah of R Eliyahu Manee

16:30 New Chibur of Maggid Of Mezritch

17:25 Gra and the Minhag of L’Dovid

21:30 R’ Avrohom Ben HaGra Pirush on Tehillim

22:30 Is there a source from the Medrash to "say" L’Dovid?

 26:30 Another reason why some do not say L’Dovid, based on a story of R' Eliyahu Baal Shem

30:40 Who Is R' Eliyahu Baal Shem?

35:28 What is a Baal Shem?

37:15 Who Is R' Binyomin Baal Shem Author of the Shem Tov Koton?

37:30 Using practical Kabbalah

40:00 Sick person going to a witch to get a cure

42:20 Teshuvah from Zera Shimshon

47:00 Practical Kabbalah work from R Chaim Vital from manuscript

49:00 R Avraham Simcah nephew of R Chaim Voloziner and practical Kabbalah

52:29 Autobiography of R' Pinchas Katzenelenbogen