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Beitza 5:1-2

Beitzah 5:1

One is permitted to throw produce through a hatch in the roof on yom tov but not on Shabbos. One may cover produce, jugs of wine and jugs of oil with utensils to protect them from dripping water. One may place a vessel to catch dripping water on Shabbos.

Beitzah 5:2

Anything that renders one liable on Shabbos because of sh’vus (something prohibited to encourage rest on Shabbos), because of r’shus (an optional matter connected in some way to a mitzvah) or because of a mitzvah, also renders one liable on yom tov. Sh’vus includes things like not climbing a tree, riding an animal or swimming in water, nor clapping or slapping musically, or dancing. R’shus includes not judging court cases, betrothing a bride, or performing yibum or chalitzah (levirate marriage or release from same). Mitzvah includes not consecrating property, making vows of valuation, devoting something to the Temple, or separating terumah and tithes. All of these things were said to be prohibited on yom tov so it goes without saying that they are also forbidden on Shabbos (whose rules are more stringent). The only difference between yom tov and Shabbos is ochel nefesh – food preparations that are prohibited on Shabbos and permitted on yom tov.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz