Rosh Hashana 1:8-9
Rosh Hashana 1:8
Those who gamble with dice, who lend with interest, who race pigeons, who trade in Sabbatical produce, and slaves are not accepted as witnesses. The general rule is that any testimony that is not accepted from a woman is also not accepted from the aforementioned.
Rosh Hashana 1:9
If a person saw the new moon on Shabbos but is unable to walk, he is to be brought mounted on a donkey or even carried in a bed. If there is a safety concern, witnesses may bring sticks with them for defense, and if it is a long distance, they may bring food with them. We override Shabbos to the extent that those who go to testify about the new moon may travel a journey of a day and a night, as per Leviticus 23:4, “These are the holidays of the Hashem, holy convocations that are to be proclaimed in their appointed times.” (Something that is to be done “in its appointed time” overrides Shabbos.)