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Rosh Hashana 4:8-9

Rosh Hashana 4:8

One may not travel outside the Shabbos boundary (techum) for the purpose of blowing the shofar, nor may we dig a shofar out from under debris, nor may we climb a tree, ride an animal or swim in order to acquire a shofar. We may not cut the shofar, neither with an implement prohibited because of sh'vus (i.e., rabbinically, to ensure rest) nor with an implement that is Biblically prohibited. If one so wishes, he may put water or wine into the shofar. We do not prevent children from blowing the shofar - we may even occupy ourselves with them so that they learn how to blow! One who merely entertains himself by blowing shofar does not fulfill his obligation, nor does one who listened to such a person blow shofar.

Rosh Hashana 4:9

The order of blowing shofar is three sets of three sounds, three times. The minimum length of a tekiah (long blast) is equal to three teruos (staccato blasts); each teruah is like three sobs. If he blew one tekiah, then he blew a second as long as two, that double-length tekiah only counts as one. If a person recited musaf and then acquired a shofar, he must blow tekiah-teruah-tekiah three times. Just like the prayer leader must recite the prayers himself, every individual is likewise so obligated. Rabban Gamliel says that the prayer leader fulfills the congregation's obligation for them.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz