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Chagigah 2:2-3

Chagigah 2:2

Yosi ben Yoezer says we do not lay hands on the Chagigah offering, while Yosi ben Yohanan says we do. Yehoshua ben Perachia says not to lay hands, while Nitai the Arbelite says to lay hands. Yehuda ben Tavai says not to lay hands, while Shimon ben Shetach says to lay hands. Shemaya says to lay hands, while Avtalyon says not to lay hands. Hillel and Menahem did not disagree; when Menahem left, he was replaced by Shammai. Shammai says not to lay hands, while Hillel says to lay hands. The first person named in each pair was the nasi (head of the Sanhedrin) and the second person in each pair was the av beis din (the second in command of the Sanhedrin).

Chagigah 2:3

Beis Shammai say that peace offerings are brought on yom tov but we do not lay hands on them, while burnt offerings are not brought. Beis Hillel say that both types of offerings are brought and we lay hands on them.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz