Chagigah 3:3-4
Chagigah 3:3
Dry terumah may be eaten with impure hands but kodesh may not. One who has lost but not yet buried a close relative (an onen) and one who has immersed but not yet brought a sacrifice to complete a purification process (a mechusar kippurim) must immerse in a mikvah for kodesh but not for terumah.
Chagigah 3:4
Terumah is more stringent than kodesh in that in Judea even unlearned people are trusted regarding the ritual purity of wine and oil (for kodesh) year-round but for terumah they are only trusted during the pressing times. If the pressing time has passed and unlearned people brought a kohein a barrel of terumah wine, he may not accept it from them. The one who brought it may save it over until the next pressing season. If the unlearned person tells the kohein that he separated a reviis of kodesh wine into the barrel, he is believed. They are believed regarding barrels of wine and oil that contain mixtures of chulin, terumah and kodesh during the pressing times and also for 70 days prior.