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Yevamos 13:2-3

Yevamos 13:2

A (fatherless) minor girl who was married off by her mother or brothers with her knowledge must exercise the refusal option to annul the marriage; one who was married off by her mother or brothers without her knowledge need not exercise the refusal option. Rabbi Chanina ben Antignos says that any girl who doesn’t know how to protect the money or document used to effect her marriage need not exercise the refusal option. Rabbi Eliezer says that a minor cannot be married; one who tries to consummate such a relationship is halachically the same as a seducer (i.e., extramarital). Therefore, if she is the daughter of a Yisroel “married” to a kohein, she may not eat terumah, while if she is the daughter of a kohein “married” to a Yisroel, she may.

Yevamos 13:3

If the husband dissolves the relationship (by giving her a get), then she is treated as if she had been his wife (with all that entails, as we shall see in the next mishna). If she dissolves the marriage (through refusal), she is not considered to have been his wife.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz