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Kesubos 1:7-8

Kesubos 1:7

If the bride claims that her hymen was broken in an accident but her husband says it was another man, Rabban Gamliel and Rabbi Elezer say that the woman is believed (because she was there, while her husband merely speculates). Rabbi Yehoshua says we do not rely on her words. Rather, the presumption is that it was another man and the burden of proof is on her to demonstrate otherwise.

Kesubos 1:8

Let’s say that an unmarried woman was secluded with a man in the marketplace (i.e., suspected of premarital sex), she was asked about his nature, and she replied that he is a kohein. Rabban Gamliel and Rabbi Elezer say she is believed (and may marry a kohein). Rabbi Yehoshua says we do not rely on her words. Rather, the presumption is that the man was a Gibeonite or a mamzer (rendering her unfit to marry a kohein) and the burden of proof is on her to demonstrate otherwise.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz