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Kesubos 3:1-2

Kesubos 3:1

A mamzeres (girl who is the product of an illicit relationship), a Gibeonite girl and a Samaritan girl are all entitled to the fine imposed upon a rapist (even though they are not eligible for the general marriage pool). The same is true of a convert, a captive and a servant girl who were converted, ransomed or freed before the age of three years and a day old. If one coerces his sister, his father’s sister, his mother’s sister, his wife’s sister, his brother’s wife, his father’s brother’s wife or a menstruant woman (all forbidden relationships), they are entitled to the fine. This is because the union is an act punished with kareis (spiritual excision) rather than execution.

Kesubos 3:2

The following women do not receive the fine: a convert, a captive and a servant girl who were converted, ransomed or freed over the age of three years and a day old (because the fine is for virgins and these have a legal presumption that they are not virgins). Rabbi Yehuda says that a captive retains her presumption of virginity even if she was abducted as an adult. If one coerces his daughter, his granddaughter through his daughter, his granddaughter through his son, his step-daughter, his step-son’s daughter or his step-daughter’s daughter, they do not receive the fine. This is because the perpetrator is executed and one who is executed does not pay a fine, as is derived from Exodus 21:22, “If there is no fatality (which would require execution), then he shall be punished (financially).”

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz