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Kesubos 6:1-2

Kesubos 6:1

A man is entitled to things that his wife finds and to her handiwork. When it comes to an inheritance that she receives, he may enjoy the proceeds in her lifetime. If she is awarded money for shame and depreciation in a court case, she receives the money. Rabbi Yehuda ben Beseira says that if the injury for which she sued is concealed, then she receives two-thirds and her husband receives a third; if it is exposed, she receives a third and her husband receives two-thirds. He receives his share in cash and hers is spent on real estate, and her husband may enjoy the fruits.

Kesubos 6:2

Let’s say that a man commits to give money to his son-in-law, who dies, and the widow then marries her late husband’s brother. The Sages say that the man may say, “I agreed to give money to your brother but I am not willing to give it to you.”

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz