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Kesubos 6:5-6

Kesubos 6:5

If a man marries off his daughter without specifying his contribution, he may not give less than 50 zuz. If the father made a condition that he was not providing the bride with clothing, the groom cannot say that he will do so after the wedding. Rather, he must do so even while she is still in her father’s house. Similarly, one who marries off an orphan may not provide less than 50 zuz. If there are sufficient funds in the charity account, they must provide for her according to her station.

Kesubos 6:6

If an orphan girl was married off by her mother or brother with her consent and they wrote for her a dowry of 100 or 50 zuz, after the bride reaches the age of majority she can collect this from her father’s heirs. Rabbi Yehuda says that if the father married off an older daughter before he died, the second girl should receive the same dowry as her sister. The Sages say that things change - a poor man can become rich and a rich man can become poor. Therefore, they appraise family assets as they are at the time and provide her dowry accordingly.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz