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Kesubos 8:2-3

Kesubos 8:2

Rabbi Shimon differentiated between two different types of property. When it comes to property that the husband knows about, the wife may not sell it; if she sold it or gave it away, the transfer is invalid. When it comes to property that the husband does not know about, the wife may not sell it but if she sold it or gave it away, the transfer is valid.

Kesubos 8:3

If the wife inherits money, it should be used to purchase land, from which the husband may enjoy the proceeds. The same is true if she inherits harvested produce. If she inherits produce still attached to the ground, Rabbi Meir says they appraise the land’s value both with and without the produce. The difference should be used to purchase land, from which the husband may enjoy the proceeds. The Sages say that which is still attached to the ground belongs to the husband; that which has been harvested belongs to the wife and should be used to purchase land, from which the husband may enjoy the proceeds.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz