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Kesubos 10:1-2

Kesubos 10:1

If a man marries two women and subsequently dies, the one he married first takes priority in collecting her kesubah, and her heirs take priority over the heirs of the second. If he married one woman, who died, then he married a second woman, after which he died, the second wife and her heirs take priority over the heirs of the first wife.

Kesubos 10:2

Let’s say that a man married two women and they both died, after which he died. Now the orphans wish to collect the value of their mothers’ kesubos. If the estate only includes enough to pay the kesubos, they divide the estate equally among the heirs. If there is even a single dinar in the estate beyond the value of the kesubos, they pay the children of each their mothers’ kesubos. If there is no surplus but the orphans want to consider their father’s estate as worth a dinar more so that they can collect the value of the kesubos, we do not listen to them. In such a case, the estate must be appraised in court.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz