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Kesubos 12:3-4

Kesubos 12:3

If a widow doesn’t want to leave her husband’s house, his heirs cannot compel her to return to her father’s house while they pay for her support. Rather, they must support her in the deceased’s house and they must provide the standard of living to which she has become accustomed. If she doesn’t want to leave her father’s house, the heirs can tell her that they will only support her if she dwells among them. If she says the reason she doesn’t want to live with them is because she’s young and they’re young (and it would appear inappropriate), then they must support her even if she chooses to live in her father’s home.

Kesubos 12:4

As long as the widow lives in her father’s house, she can collect payment for her kesubah whenever she wants. If she lives in her husband’s house, she may collect her kesubah for up to 25 years; at 25 years, she will have spent the value of her kesubah from the estate. This is the opinion of Rabbi Meir in the name of Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel. The Sages say that so long as she lives in her husband’s house, she can collect the kesubah whenever she wants, but if she lives in her father’s house she has 25 years. If she dies, her heirs can collect her kesubah for 25 years.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz