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Kesubos 13:3-4

Kesubos 13:3

Admon made seven statements. The first is on the rule that if a man died, leaving behind sons and daughters, when there’s a large estate the sons inherit and the daughters are supported. If the estate is small, the daughters are maintained and the sons have to beg. Admon questioned that the sons should receive nothing in such a case based on their gender. Rabban Gamliel agreed with Admon’s position.

Kesubos 13:4

If A says that B owes him jars of oil, and B admits to owing him empty jars, Admon says that since he admits to part of the debt, he should take an oath. The Sages said that admitting to jars is not the same as admitting to oil (so no oath should be required). Rabban Gamliel agreed with Admon.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz